Drama Classes

Drama with Sensory Experience Class
6-12 months and 12-18 months classes (not currently running)

Drama with Sensory Experience Class 6-12 months and 12-18 months classes

Drama with Sensory Experience classes for ages 6-18 months. Split into two groups, non movers 6-12 months and movers 12-18 months. Join me for fun, storytelling with musical instruments (wooden percussion), lights, fabrics, nursery rhymes and more! Weaving the Thrive techniques through the classes, 6-18 months is the ‘Doing’ stage of development (relational/emotional), the key foci are: exploring safely; knowing body limits; experiencing doing, and learning about options. The adult takes the role of co-adventurer. You will be guided through the session and have an opportunity to make some special memories with your little ones. I can’t wait to see you! Book Here

Drama with Sensory Experience Class 18 months – 3 years

Drama Club 18 months – 3 years

Drama Club for ages 18 months 3 years. This class is a development from the 6 – 18 months classes. I still focus on fun, storytelling with musical instruments (wooden percussion), lights, fabrics, sensory experience and nursery rhymes but bring in some fun drama games too. Still weaving the Thrive techniques through the classes, 18 months – 3 years is the ‘Thinking’ stage of development (cognitive), the key foci are: thinking about feelings; problem solving; learning about cause and effect and expressing a view. The adult takes the role of co-constructor of meaning. Just as in the 6 – 18 month class; you will be guided through the session and have an opportunity to make some special memories with your little ones. I can’t wait to see you! Book Here

Drama Club 4 – 7 years

Drama Club (Storytelling) 3 – 5 years

Drama Club for ages 3 – 5 years. This class is a development from the 6 months – 3 years classes. I still focus on all of the elements in the previous classes including (most importantly, having fun), storytelling, playing with musical instruments (wooden percussion), lights, fabrics, nursery rhymes but bring in more drama games and drama exercises too. Still weaving the Thrive techniques through the classes, 3 – 7 years is the ‘Power and Identity’ (understanding self and others) stage of development. Key foci: Developing a positive sense of self and understanding self and others. Developing a positive sense of themselves and establishing an individual identity. The adult takes the role of supporter and affirmation to the child for completing developmental tasks. Just as in the other classes; you will be guided through the session and have an opportunity to make some special memories with your little ones. I can’t wait to see you! Book Here

Drama Club 6 – 8 years (not currently running)

Drama Club 6 – 8 years

Drama Club for ages 6 – 8 years. This class is a development from the 3 – 5 years drama club. I use some of the elements from the previous classes; including, storytelling, playing with musical instruments (wooden percussion) and fabrics. This group incorporates drama games and drama exercises too. We will look at characters, and also drama techniques and elements of theatre. Still weaving the Thrive techniques through the classes; 7 – 11 years stage of development, Skills and Structure (learn about their own way of doing things and others, develop new skills) Key foci: The child or young person takes pleasure in thinking about different ways of doing things and acquiring new skills. They take pleasure in difference, and are curious about new and different experiences. They enjoy having appropriate responsibilities and understand the need for rules and regulations. Exploration and thought are being given to the values that underpin rules. They identify strongly with peers of the same gender as themselves. Just as in the other classes; you will be guided through the session and have an opportunity to make some special memories with your little ones. I can’t wait to see you! Book Here

Please visit the booking page for times, prices and availability!